We provide the highest level of customer service possible with a low administration fee of 5%.
Your Private Health Services PlanServing All of Canada
*Fields marked with asterisks are required.
Listing of Dependents:
Please list all dependents who will be covered under this plan.
Add another dependent
Dependents of an Eligible Employee are defined as follows:
Please upload your PERSONAL direct deposit information:
I wish to participate in the Private Health Service Plan provided by Cost Efficient Benefit Plan.
Employer approval:
I confirm that the above information is correct, and I have read and accept the terms of the attached agreement.
Employee enrolment fee: No charge.
This form will be e-mailed to you. If you would like to print the form, we recommend printing the e-mail.
This form has not yet been submitted.If you require a paper copy of the submitted form, simply print the completed version which will be e-mailed to you upon clicking the Submit button.
Cost Efficient Benefit PlanTel: 403-282-3776 | Toll-free: 1-800-651-3776E-mail: info@costplus.ca | Website: www.costplus.ca
Under current CRA tax regulations, incorporated businesses and eligible sole proprietors can use the services of a third party administrator to "Cost Plus" eligible medical expenses as defined in The Income Tax Act.
Please provide a personal void cheque to set up electronic payment of your reimbursement. Alternatively, a prefilled direct deposit form may be submitted. These can be downloaded from your online bank account.